One Pot Vegan Rice and Beans

This is my first recipe post on the blog! 

Some people think that all vegetarians/vegans can eat is rice and beans and this recipe is a tasty twist on that. This meal started as a Mexican rice and beans recipe but after making it a few times I kind of adapted it and made it my own. I always use recipes as a loose suggestion, not a concrete list of steps!

This serves 2 as a main or 4 as a side. And is made in one pot so there’s barely any washing up!

In this recipe I used:
🌟 1 onion
🌟 1 bell pepper
🌟 tin of kidney beans
🌟 half a tin of sweetcorn
🌟 half a cup of rice
🌟 one stock cube dissolved in 500ml of water (if you use a veg stock cube the meal is vegan)
🌟salt, pepper, and any other seasonings you’d like

Step 1: Dice onion and bell pepper and fry until soft
Chopped onions and yellow bell pepper
Step 2: While the onion and pepper are frying, dissolve the stock cube in 500ml of water 
fried onion and bell pepper in pot

Step 3: Add the rice to the onion and pepper mix and fry for a minute

rice added to pot of fried onion and bell pepper

Step 4: Add the stock, kidney beans and sweetcorn to the pot. Stir so everything is mixed together.
stock, kidney beans and sweetcorn added to pot

Step 5: Put the lid on the pot and leave it to simmer until the rice has absorbed all the water. If your rice is still a bit hard you can add more water and leave it absorb.

I served mine with a side of steamed broccoli (it’s my fav veg, but you can use what you prefer).
2 containers of rice and beans and one container of boiled broccoli

It’s so tasty and if you use a vegetable stock cube the meal is vegan! I used a chicken stock cube as it’s what I had in the cupboards.
This recipe can easily be adapted, you could add a different type of bean or different vegetables like diced carrots to fry with the onions.

Let me know if you try it!

Bye for now! πŸ‘‹
