I'm On a Podcast!

Hi guys, just a quick post in case you haven’t yet had a chance to listen to the Newtrition Perspectives podcast I was on!

I spoke about my experiences within dietetics and my experiences of being from a BAME background within dietetics and what we can do to make it more inclusive. I also spoke about Nigerian food and culture to give people some insight into West African cuisine.

We need more diversity in dietetics, and podcasts like these are so important as they’re highlighting different cultures and raising awareness of the issues people from other cultures face within dietetics.

It’s available on all streaming sites!

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/4sOKKUvozfebfnQWz7eEoT?si=254y6njRRcOqRp-61ItgLA&dl_branch=1

Google podcasts https://tinyurl.com/u4cvmww 

Twitter @Newtrition_P

Instagram @newtrition_perspectives

Have a listen, I hope you enjoy it!
Bye for now! 👋


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